Nestled within the breathtaking landscape of the Chimanimani Transfrontier Conservation Area, an extraordinary event awaits trail running enthusiasts and...
In 2022 Chimanimani was designated as the second UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Zimbabwe. This achievement came after a long...
The Chimanimani Mountain range has been included in Time’s list of the world’s 100 Greatest Places of 2021. In...
A film by Zetu, directed by Marc Neilson, featuring – Gemma, Nutty O, Chiedza Chinhara, Zash Chinhara The Mbira...
3rd December 2020 – Chimanimani Hotel, Chimanimani Exhibition Concept Note Introduction Exhibitions are an important part of the marketing...
Welcome to the new look community based Chimanimani website. There are four main objectives for the introduction of this...